Parkinson’s: Tai chi may slow progression, help reduce medication


Tai chi may have many health benefits, including for people with Parkinson’s disease. Kilito Chan/Getty Images
  • Parkinson’s disease can have a profound impact on a person’s ability to move, causing tremors, balance and coordination problems.
  • Scientists are exploring whether physical activity can slow Parkinson’s or reduce symptoms of the disease.
  • Researchers recently found that tai chi may help slow disease progression and reduce the dosage of medications needed over time in people with Parkinson’s disease.

neurological disorders Parkinson’s disease impacts more than 10 million people Worldwide.

Many of the main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease revolve around changes and problems with movement. These include tremors, gait changes, coordination problems and loss of balance.

Previous studies show physical activity May help slow disease progression and increase mobility.

Now, researchers at Ruijin Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine in Shanghai, China, say that Chinese martial arts practice tai chi In people with Parkinson’s disease, it may help slow the progression of the disease and reduce the dosage of medications needed over time.

This study was recently published Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry,

For this study, Dr. Shengdi Chendistinguished professor and principal investigator in the Department of Neurology and Institute of Neurology at Ruijin Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine in Shanghai, China, and his colleagues monitored two groups of people with Parkinson’s disease for more than five years.

A group of 143 participants practiced tai chi twice a week through a class to improve their technique. The second group of 187 participants continued their standard medical care but did not practice tai chi. The groups were not randomized and were recruited from the Movement Disorder Clinic at Ruijin Hospital.

The severity of disease of all participants was assessed at the beginning of the study, and disease progression – including increased need for medications – was monitored for five years.

The researchers found that disease progression was slower at all monitoring points in the tai chi group as assessed by overall symptoms, gait and balance compared to the control group.

Additionally, the number of study participants who needed to increase their medication over five years was significantly lower in the tai chi group at follow-up in 2019 and 2020, but not in 2021. levodopa The increase in dose equivalent daily dose (LEDD) was significantly greater in the control group at each follow-up time point.

By 2021, the control group was taking more than double the equivalent daily dose of 436.7 versus 203.99. Cognitive function deteriorated at a slower rate in the Tai Chi group than the control group, and sleep and quality of life continued to improve.

“We [were] Surprised to see long-term beneficial effects [of] tai chi [as] There is no research focused on long-term effects [of] game [on] Parkinson’s disease. Doctors should especially emphasize the importance of physical activity [that] Physical activity may delay the need for increased antiparkinsonian therapy,” Dr. Chen said.

“However, we studied early-stage patients in this research. Postural instability is not severe in early-stage patients. Thus, one should be cautious with Tai Chi in end-stage patients. [as] There is danger of falling. We plan to explore the application of tai chi in patients with prodromal and end-stage Parkinson’s disease,” he said.

After reviewing this study, Ryan GlattSenior brain health coach and director of the FitBrain program at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute in Santa Monica, CA, who was not involved in the study, told medical news today This is based on prior knowledge that tai chi is considered helpful for individuals with Parkinson’s by providing a longer follow-up period.

“It is good to see that tai chi is becoming an evidence-based intervention for individuals with Parkinson’s. Any type of neuromotor exercise where you’re moving, thinking, and coordinating your body, many of those types of exercise modalities are recommended for Parkinson’s disease, such as dancing, boxing, (and ) table tennis,
-Ryan Glatt

Glatt said most exercises recommended for Parkinson’s “may not always have a strong evidence base.” So it’s good to see that Tai Chi is one of the modalities that does this.

Dr. Eric L. hargreavesIt also links the body to a constantly growing body, said Michael R., a clinical assistant professor in the department of neurology and a clinical DBS neurophysiologist and neuroscientist in the Movement Disorders Program at the Hackensack Meridian Neuroscience Institute at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, who was not involved in the study. The evidence strongly suggests benefits of exercise Improves Parkinson’s symptoms.

“At present, exercise is the only known treatment that slows the progression of Parkinson’s. Most of the exercise programs that show clear benefits for Parkinson’s patients are those that involve vigorous or excessive exercise. [has] gave birth to programs like rock steady boxing and use of theracycle, In this respect, Tai Chi is quite different, involving slow and well-practiced movements that require balance and attention to the details of movement.
– Dr. Eric L. hargreaves

“As a result, we can now connect the concept of conscious Add activity to your list of exercises that can help with Parkinson’s,” says Dr. Hargreaves. MNT.

“This mindfulness can also be brought to many other instances of a person’s behavior, such as navigating tight spaces like a home kitchen while performing standard tasks, which can be particularly challenging for people with Parkinson’s disease,” she said. Is.”

dopamine A molecule in the brain that transmits messages between nerve cells. Because Parkinson’s disease damages dopamine molecules, people with the condition experience problems with movement.

For this reason exercise plays an important role in Management Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease because it helps maintain strength, flexibility and balance in the body.

Physical activity has been shown to help improve non-motor symptoms of the disease, including Depression, TirednessAnd indifference,

And mobility can help ward off complications that can arise from not being mobile – e.g. cardiovascular disease And osteoporosis – In the bay.

The Parkinson’s Foundation, in collaboration with the American College of Sports Medicine, conducts physical activity recommendations that include:

Tai Chi most likely originated in China 1,000 years ago,

it’s a kind of speed Attention Which uses a series of low-impact, slow movements. Tai chi is considered a mind-body exercise because it combines mindful movement with meditation and deep breathing.

Tai chi does not require any special equipment and can be done alone or in a group, indoors or outdoors.

Previous research shows that tai chi provides a variety of health benefits, including increased flexibility and strength, improved balance, and improved mood.

This form of exercise may also help reduce pain and discomfort for people with long-term lower back pain And fibromyalgia,

Research has also been published that provides evidence that tai chi can help Improvement cognitive function in people Madness, Scientists estimate that 20-40% Also occurs in people suffering from Parkinson’s disease Madness,

According to Dr. Shengdi Chen, while mainstream treatment to treat motor-related symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is drug-based, both motor and non-motor complications occur in the late stages of the disease.

“In addition, side effects of drug treatments can worsen many symptoms, such as orthostatic hypotension“he explained medical news today, “Dopaminergic drug treatments primarily focus on dopamine deficiency. Thus, they can improve many symptoms, such as bradykinesia, (and) For balance symptoms or gait disorders in Parkinson’s disease, improvement is minimal when using dopaminergic drug therapies.

Dr. Chen said that a study Published in 2012 discovered that tai chi helped improve postural stability in people with Parkinson’s disease.

“More research indicates that sports, including tai chi, can improve many non-motor symptoms and quality of life in Parkinson’s disease. We believe that Tai Chi can improve neural networks and metabolism and reduce nerve inflammation Parkinson’s disease, all of which are related to increased neuroplasticity,” he said.

medical news today also talked to Dr. Daniel Truonga neurologist and medical director of the Truong Neuroscience Institute at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA, and editor-in-chief of Journal of Clinical Parkinsonism and Related DisordersAbout this research.

“The findings of this study suggest that regular tai chi practice may have long-term benefits for individuals with Parkinson’s disease. “It appears to slow disease progression, reduce the need for medication, and improve both motor and non-motor symptoms, ultimately leading to a better quality of life for those affected by the disease,” They said.

Dr. Truong also points out that while research on exercise and Parkinson’s disease has consistently demonstrated positive effects, the type and intensity of exercise should be tailored to the individual patient’s needs and abilities, and a health professional should be consulted before beginning any exercise program. It is advisable to consult the service provider. ,

“While tai chi may have unique advantages in terms of balance and reducing the risk of falls, traditional exercises offer a wide range of options to target specific aspects of physical fitness. The choice between tai chi and traditional exercise may depend on personal preferences, physical conditions, and the patient’s specific goals, and it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider.
– Dr. Daniel Truong

The authors say this is an observational study and therefore, causation cannot be established because the two groups were not randomized. Although they tried to minimize differences based on disease severity and avoided selecting people as controls who were not motivated to practice tai chi, they noted that there were still differences between the two groups. Can happen. They suggest that larger randomized control trials are needed to confirm.


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