Dementia: How higher triglyceride levels may help lower risk


Experts say diet and physical activity can help slow the symptoms of dementia. westend61/Getty Images
  • New research shows that people with higher levels of triglycerides – a type of fat – have a lower risk of dementia and slower cognitive decline when diagnosed with dementia.
  • The researchers noted that although they found a link, their findings do not prove any association between triglyceride levels and dementia, nor that triglyceride levels should be used as a screening tool.
  • Experts say early diagnosis and intervention can help because staying mentally sharp and physically healthy can help slow cognitive decline.

Researchers say they have found a link between one type of fat in the body and Madness – a connection that may help explain the rate of cognitive decline in people with the condition.

Researchers published their test resultsalong with a partner editorialToday in the medical journal neurologyA publication of the American Academy of Neurology.

The study looked at data from more than 18,000 people with an average age of 75 and no prior diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or any other type of dementia. Over a 6-year and 12-year follow-up period, researchers analyzed cholesterol and triglyceride levels (The most common type of fat in the body).

Of the study participants, 823 developed dementia during the first 6 years and 2,778 were diagnosed with the condition after 12 years.

The researchers said final data showed that higher levels of triglycerides were associated with slower cognitive decline in participants who developed dementia.

They added that higher triglyceride levels may also be associated with a lower risk of developing dementia in the first place, although it has not been proven that these higher levels prevent dementia.

“Our findings were a surprise to us,” Dr.Zhen ZhouA study author and a chronic disease and aging research fellow in the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, reported medical news today,

“It’s important to highlight that our study only focused on older adults and the triglyceride levels we analyzed were from their later years, not middle age,” Zhou said. “In older individuals, these levels tend to fluctuate and are influenced by nutritional status and underlying disease, whereas midlife measurements are more associated with cardiovascular risk.”

Zhou said high triglyceride levels occur risk Which also includes the risk of serious conditions like pancreatitis and heart disease.

The study did not discuss the exact mechanism between triglycerides and cognitive ability, but the link may lie in the fact that triglycerides make up a large portion of the dietary fats that fuel the brain.

Zhou said further in-depth studies could determine whether there is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between triglycerides and dementia or cognitive decline.

“Should there be a link, it is imperative to understand the underlying biological mechanisms, which will further inform potential preventive and treatment strategies,” she said. “If no direct association exists, studies should explore other contributing factors, such as lifestyle, medical conditions or genetics. Could it be that factors such as malnutrition lead to both low triglycerides and higher dementia risk? These are questions that future research should address.”

As Zhou points out, this research could help guide future studies and advance our understanding of the mechanisms when it comes to dementia — but there’s no point in using triglyceride levels as a screening tool for dementia. Has been warned.

“Our focus was primarily on understanding the association [between triglycerides and dementia],” He said.

Dementia is a broad term that refers to several types of cognitive decline, with Alzheimer’s disease being the most common.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are approximately 6 million adults There are 10 million people in the United States suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementias, and that number could rise to 14 million by 2060.

Because of these numbers, it is quite common for people to have first-hand experience of the condition – whether it affects a parent, friend or loved one.

There is no cure for dementia, as it progresses over time. But with medical consultation and support, experts say it is possible to diagnose and then manage it.

Dr. Jason CreelmanAn associate professor of neuropsychology at Columbia University in New York explained medical news today While forgetfulness is common as we age, dementia refers to more severe forms of cognitive impairment that prevents a person from performing their day-to-day activities.

“Forgetting small details and slowing down memory recall can be very common in normal aging,” Creelman said. “Of course, people do not go from a state of perfect cognitive health to dementia overnight. In fact, this process often takes several years. Therefore, if someone else/or people close to them are concerned that their cognitive lapses are more than an occasional, explainable nuisance, they should talk to their doctor, who will help them decide whether to consult a specialist. Is there any indication to go to or not?

If an older person is diagnosed with dementia, they will need a lot of help and support from loved ones as the disease progresses.

Experts say early diagnosis is important, as medications are most effective at slowing its progression during this period.

Dr. Theodore Strangevice president of primary care at Northwell Health and vice president of medical operations at Staten Island University Hospital in New York, said medical news today After diagnosis, it is important for the person to remain physically and mentally healthy.

“I think activity, being among people at events where you’re not isolated, is important,” Strange explained. “Proper nutrition, not drinking, not smoking, these are things I recommend.”

“Think of it like brain exercise: do crossword puzzles, play memory games, look at old photos, and constantly guide the patient,” he advised.

Strange also said that monitoring vitamin deficiencies and thyroid function could help keep people with dementia on the best possible track.

“We’re constantly trying to slow down the progression, and hopefully one day research will come out that will help us stop it,” he said. “I think a healthy lifestyle is probably the most important thing we can do to keep dementia-related issues at bay.”


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