What is the Difference Between Positive Self-Talk and Negative Self-Talk?

self talk

In the grand theater of our minds, our self-talk plays the starring role. It’s the voice that chatters away, narrating our experiences and shaping our perceptions. This internal dialogue is a constant companion, whispering either words of encouragement or planting seeds of doubt. Here, we delve into the fundamental difference between positive self-talk and negative … Read more

What To Eat to Boost Your Immune System This Fall?

immune system

Boost your immune system this fall with nourishing foods like pumpkin, honey, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and more. Stock up on these immune-boosting fall foods and stay healthy! As the days grow darker and colder, and we grapple with the potential challenge of a ‘twindemic’ involving both flu and COVID cases, it’s crucial to provide an … Read more